And the wheel keeps turning…
Due to one of the Olympus/Saturday players deciding to take a summer hiatus, I got a bit derailed. Now, instead of running Generica next, I’m going to be revisiting the After the End concept (previously a Core Group/Friday campaign) with a different “antagonist.” It won’t happen until the fall, most likely. As a proper Google Earth-powered “sandbox” like its predecessor, there won’t be a ton of pre-prep, so there’s nothing really standing in the way whenever the go-signal is given. I’m feeling pretty good about it right now. But there’s a fair amount of time between now and then, wherein anything can happen, so who knows? I expect the prep-work I did on Generica won’t go to waste, though; I had already discussed the idea of a concurrent campaign for Friday, and as I have nothing planned for Friday at the moment, that could become a thing.