I didn’t do much actual GMing in 2018, it seems, though I did a lot of work on various campaigns. Things keep shifting around.
For Olympus (Sat), I worked on Sea Dogs for a solid four months, and almost ran it, but it ended up being delayed for…reasons. I eventually tabled it in favor of the Supers campaign, Knight City Chronicles, after I ran a couple of one-shots (recordings available on Youtube: First, and Second), for which I never posted any behind-the-scenes stuff here as I had intended. (My dislike for blogging/journal-keeping has apparently not improved 😛 ) It looked like it was really picking up some steam until…reasons, again. Now I’ve restructured my intentions (and expectations) and moved on.
For the Core Group (Fri), we had a really long run of Pathfinder: Kingmaker that, along with the many “start-stop” interruptions along the way, took up most of the year. Toward the end of the year, we had a month or so of Star Trek before we ended up just taking a hiatus to close out the year.
The trend for me, of late, has been to enlist the players, more and more, in the campaign decision-making, but that hasn’t been working out like I wanted. Getting details for new characters and such has required a lot more arm-twisting than I’ve found I am willing to tolerate. That, combined with the constant “start-stopping” for absences, has caused me to re-evaluate how I develop the campaign, and I have a new procedure I’m using for the forseeable future. Here’s hoping it works a bit better for 2019…
Currently, the roadmap(s) look like this:
- For the Olympus group, we’ve got around 4 weeks (maybe more) left of the current Banestorm run, and after that, GURPS Action: Consular Operations (basically, a “spy thriller”) for probably 6-12 weeks. After that, I currently intend to continue Generica for a full-length run.
- For the Core Group, we’ve got a Fallout game at the start of the year, which I would expect to go from 6-12 weeks. I’m expecting a run of Night’s Black Agents after that. Then I’m planning to get Terra Nova going.
- Assuming the new procedure works out, I intend to sketch out some material for Autoduel, and maybe Sea Dogs (after some retooling), as backups.